NEW *Creative* Beer Can Hat Tutorials 2022

 ALL NEW *Creative* Beer Can Hat Tutorials 2022


XTall Beer Can Top Hat
Triple Tall Beer Can Top Hat! Crochet Tutorial

Okay, I hope you are ready for this. I have decided to start making craft tutorials for youtube, starting with the coveted Beer Can Hat. The more I contemplated this project, the more design ideas I came up with. It just sounded fun! Nobody is making giant cool beer can hat patterns. But I am here for you.


I actually made a cute little Promo video here:  


NEW *Creative* Beer Can Hat Tutorials 2022


To start, I'm making a 3 part tutorial for the basic Beer Can Party Hat (it is now posted!!), similar to how my original tutorial is laid out. Each part is a step in the process, but each part can also be a whole hat in itself! Hello. So if you are crocheting in a real life party situation, and you get a little too high or start making out or whatever, you can finish it up quickly. 

Part 1 is the Crown, Part 2 is the Fez, Part 3 is the Cap. I have simplified the construction to be beginner friendly, but also include shortcuts (a little more advanced) to make a hat even faster. There will be double and triple tall hats, cones, cowboy, other stuff.


Crochet Cowboy Beer Can Hat
"Cowboy" - Working Prototype

I mean, I think you can see I'm into it. Haha.  Ultimately I will also have written patterns for sale. The tutorials will remain free, I'll have a written blog version for each video.

AND of course this is just the beginning. I realized, as I thought of other tutorials I wanted to teach... these projects do not exist anywhere else. My channel will be totally unique. I have garden crochet, bead crochet jewelry, clothing upcycle sewing, mannequin art. Just a lot of fun weird stuff that is totally me. 


Garden Crochet on Barrel Ring
"Granny Wheel" - barrel ring, nylon rope


I am keeping it quiet for a while though. It will take some time for anyone to catch on, which will give me a chance to get better at it. The video part has a bigger learning curve than I expected. That shit is harder than it looks! But I'm getting there. I hope to have things really rolling by summer, or sooner. Woop. 


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