I Used BEER CANS to Make a Wooden Sign - Easy DIY Garden Project

I Used BEER CANS to Make a Wooden Sign 

Easy DIY Garden Project

I made a thing! Last summer after we overhauled our BBQ Zone, I really wanted to make a sign out of beer cans. I had the vision, I knew how I would do it... I just had never tried before. But it worked great! 

I made a whole video about it here:


  I Used BEER CANS to Make a Wooden Sign - Easy DIY Garden Project

Just to be clear, this is not a complete tutorial. Ha. If it was, it would be much more detailed and informative believe me. This was one of my first how-to video attempts, and has many imperfections. Learning! 

BUT I will be showing you the basics of how I made my beer can sign. Call it whatever.

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Ok! So first thing is to prepare a backing board, I used a piece of plywood which I painted. 

Next I figured out how big I wanted my letters to be, and brought up a font on my laptop. When I had them the right size, I traced them onto paper like a light table. Then I cut them out. 


I placed them onto the backing board just right, then traced them all with a pencil.


Time to cut the cans! I cut off the top and bottom of the cans, so I'm left with a nice big label. Trim off any unwanted text etc. 


Now I use the paper templates to cut out the letters. The Front of the paper letter needs to touch the Back of the can label. So it must be flipped over. Trace with a sharpie and cut out. My letters were bigger than the cans, so I had to cut multiple pieces per letter. I left a small overlap so they would sit right on the backing.



Then I just stapled them onto the outlines I drew onto the board. Boom! 



Hubs added a cute frame and I think it looks great!


It is a little simple... next time I might try a mix of beers. They will fade out in the direct sunlight, so I will switch it up eventually. But for now, I really love it. In case you don't know where you are, this will help. ha.



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