Shows Season Begins! Yippee!

At long last... it's time for the craft shows to begin. It's been a long dark winter in the depths of the sea here at the Palace. But now it's time to rise up to the bright surface and do some serious Mermaid work. I am SO ready to get moving!

First round of shows begins in 2 weeks, here's the confirmed line up so far:

March 28-30 - Spring Fair - Douglas County Fairgrounds, Roseburg, Oregon.
This is my firs time at this show. I didn't do spectacularly well my last time in Roseburg. But, it's a nice drive and an indoor show so at least I won't get rained on. I plan on having lots of little girl dresses and clearance items at this show.

April 12-13 - Bodega Bay Fisherman's Festival - Bodega Bay, CA.
I've been wanting to do this one for the past few years. Last year I heard it poured rain... but maybe I'll be lucky. Looks like an awesome festival right on the bay, boat parades, boat building, kite flying, animal parade. Sounds like fun!

April 26-27 - Spring Fever Festival - Redwood Acres Fairgrounds, Eureka, CA.
This will be my third time doing this local show. It usually coincides with the annual Rhododendron Parade, which was canceled this year. Booo. Hopefully people will still come out as this festival grows... and I believe there is an antique fair at the fairgrounds at the same time. Also, this could be my first attempt at having my Stamp Art (print your own T-shirt) booth. I've proposed to do both booths, we'll see if she goes for it. [**Update: The Rhodi parade is back on! They'll be parking floats at the fairgrounds this weekend. The antique fair moved to another weekend.**]

Exciting isn't it?? I know... but lots to do to get ready. I have plenty of plans and schemes in the works. More soon.


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