More Van Talk

Yep. I'm pretty sure that THIS time I really AM getting a new van. One that looks very much like these photos. Possibly by week's end.

Why now? (you might be asking yourself).... when shows have barely started and you must surely be broke as hell, Bekki?? Yeah good question.

Because, the (ugly) reliable van I have been using for the past couple years needs some work. Barney took it in for a pre-craft-fair checkup and found it needs at least $400 worth of repairs to safely leave town. Tie rods I think. Plus it needs some other work soon, brakes I think. Yeah. Not stuff you let slide when you drive 200 miles of winding mountain roads to get to work.

So, we decided it would be best to take that $400+ and put it toward a new van, which we've been hunting for anyway. It's exciting. But also a little stressful. I had to cancel my show in Oregon this next weekend (ouch)... I'll have 2 more weeks until the next one in Bodega Bay.

So, hopefully this van thing will pan out and I'll be sporting my new Mermaid Mobile by then... and not only will I be safe, I'll have less chance of being mistaken for a homeless lady or stalker. Cool.


  1. And you should paint the Bohemian Mermaid logo on both sides of the new van.

  2. Yessss! Agreed. Good thinkin fred...


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