

Is it possible to be addicted to bead catalogs? Whew. Cuz I can look at them all day long... make lists of the stuff I want... design jewelry, figure out pricing, etc. I have a stack of like 5 catalogs I've been looking through for days. I love them! I have been working on designs for necklaces to match my mermaid clothing. I actually made some... but they really don't work for me. They colors are fine... faceted glass beads with semi-precious chips, which I thought would look earthy yet sparkly. And I guess they do, but they are so boring! I'm trying to create some simple but cute styles I can make quickly and so sell fairly cheaply... sounds easy. If you can make decisions and not just pour over the catalog for hours. You. Not me. Cuz I'm addicted. I guess.

Today At The Studio...

So, what (I'm sure you're wondering) is The Mermaid up to today?? Well, let's see... I've got the big Mateel Arts & Music Festival at Benbow Lake (that's southern Humboldt County) next weekend. It's a biggy, and one of my best... so I'm literally up to my elbows in dye and clothes and all that stuff. Today I'm off to the studio for my 3rd 9-10hr workfest in a row. My routine has been this: 1) Get up and make coffee, smooch on the bf for a bit, wash the previous day's dye batches while doing various stuff on the net (ie making a new blog, etal). 2) Stop by Safeway for a peppered turkey & swiss on rustic italian roll, some peaches and a green tea. 3)Hit the studio until I can't see straight or my back hurts (whichever comes first). 4) Come home and resume bf smooching. Today is my last day to bust out the bulk of the work, cuz I have to be Officegirl the rest of the week... which only leaves a few hrs in the evenings. But, I think it's

Hey Look! An artchick!

Woohoo! Lookit me and my new blog! I thought it was time for a page all about my artchick adventures. Well, I know I'M excited... eventually YOU will be too. Here we go... onward!