Crochet Basics: A Handy Reference

Pattern Abbreviations:

Ch: chain

Ch st: chain stitch

Dc: double crochet

Dec: decrease

Dtr: double treble crochet

Hdc: half double crochet

Inc: increase

Lp: loop

Pat: pattern

Prev: previous

RS: right side

Rep: repeat

Rnd: round

Sc: single crochet

Sk: skip

Sl st: slip stitch

Sp: space

St: stitch

Tog: together

Tr: treble crochet

WS: wrong side

Yo: yarn over hook

Crochet Stitches:

Slip Stitch: Insert hook into designated st, yo and draw a loop through work and through loop on hook.

Chain Stitch: Make slip knot and place loop on hook. Yo and pull a loop through loop on hook.

Single Crochet: Insert hook into designated st, yo and draw a loop (2loops on hook). Yo and draw a loop through both loops on hook.

Half Double Crochet: Yo and insert hook into designated st, yo and draw a loop (3 loops on hook). Yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

Double Crochet: Yo and insert hook into designated st, yo and draw a loop (3 loops on hook). Yo and draw through 2 loops, yo and draw through last 2 loops on hook.

Treble Crochet: Yo twice and insert hook into designated st, yo and draw a loop (4 loops on hook). Yo and draw through 2 loops at a time until only one loop remains on hook.

Changing Colors:

Work last stitch of color 1 to the point of having last 2 loops on hook. Leaving 2-3" tails, cut color 1 thread and tie color 2 thread close to lps on hook. Pick up color 2, draw final loop of stitch. Continue as directed, working thread ends into sts as you go.


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