
Yep I know. Hey I have been doing stuff...

I had to wait for particular gifts to be received before I could post photos. Man, I had some fun crafting this Christmas. It was great to do some crafts I haven't done for a while, some totally new ones, and none of them dyeing (which my friends probably appreciated too). So, woo!

The big ones of course, were the long awaited Bacon Scarves! tada! I first found this idea at the super awesome Monster Crochet Blog. My brother A) loves bacon and B) questions the wonderfulness of I sent him the link, and he made me promise to make him one. I didn't use her pattern though, I printed out a bacon photo and just looked at it while I went totally freeform.

Really fun, but they took forever (I actually made 3). Good thing I got that nasty cold so I could sit around and crochet for a whole week.

Hmmm... where's that other photo? I'm sorta between computers these days. Anyway, I made Stu a duck tape wallet. I ordered him some stuff online that didn't make it here in time for Christmas, so I had to give him something. It actually turned out pretty neat, a little harder to do than it looked. Took about 2 hours. But there's little pockets and an ID window and everything. Ha. it was fun. I'll have to switch compies for the photo... (here you go!)

The other gifts are still in progress... well 2 are finished, so I need a pic. I made power necklaces for my closest girlfriends (except Nell who wanted bacon). I'll come back with photos... hm I thought I was so prepared.


  1. Your bacon is stupendous! You go girl!

  2. Sweet Bacon!! Did you have fun making the wallet? If you have an iPod and want another Duck Tape idea, check out my site for free step by step instruction on how to make an iPod case.

  3. Hey Thanks! Completely inspired by you, Lady.

    The wallet WAS totally fun to make... thanks for the tip! There may be more tape gifts in my (friends') future.

  4. Cool! Your wallet looks sweet. Did you just make it from your head or did you use instructions from somewhere? Just curious.

  5. I love my bacon scarf!! I'm gonna wear it every where!!

  6. So, when I frist showed off my scarf saying "Look what my sister in law crocheted for me!" They they would look at it and say "did she just learn how to crochet?", with my reply of "It's a bacon scarf!" Then they're all "Oh damn! Yeah it is! Awesome!"

    That's all,

  7. Duuuuude....duct tape wallet....that is AWESOME!!!!!

    I must know how you did it. I think Jim needs one.


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