Time for the Fish Fest

Wooo! Man, I am sooo ready to hit the road next weekend for my first show of the season, the Bodega Bay Fisherman's Festival. As I mentioned earlier, this is my first time vending at this show... but I have art buddies who do it and say it's great fun.

I've been checking the weather, and right now They are saying 76 degrees for next weekend. What? 76?? At the coast?? Ok, sounds good to me. Since it dumped rain last year (and last night), I'll take warm and sunny no problem. I wonder if I can embed a little weather doohicky that will update itself... hm let me see for a sec...

Ok, that didn't work. I guess blogspot doesn't like java script... huh.

Anyway, back to the festival. Lots of neato activities happening there... um, a wooden boat race, blessing of the fleet by a mermaid lady (at least that's what I read someplace - I sure hope I get to see that), boat parade, kite flying, pet parade (and me with no doggy T-shirts grr), seafood, music, and probably more stuff. Excellent.

AND I'll be pulling into the show driving my shiny new Mermaid Mobile. I picture lots of honking and waving and cheering as I drive into the park. Maybe confetti. I'll let you know.

Ok, still lots to do to get ready. Oh, and it will be like 2 weeks before I see Barney again... what with him only home on weekends, and me gone for the weekend. Sigh. But, a girl's got to bring home the bacon.


  1. If you've registered with weather.com, they have a thing where you can list your "favorite" cities, or some such thing, and they'll show you what the weather is there as part of you personal page.

    I think it's called "My Cities". You can enter them by name or zip code. Then you have a list of places you frequent always on a readily viewable list. My personal page shows Eureka weather. My list of cities is Willits, Novato, San Francisco and Ukiah. I should probably add Laytonville to it as the weather there can be extreme compared to some of those other cities.

    Shows me the weather at a glance when I have to head south.


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