Mateel Community Center

Ok, so maybe like me you have been hearing about the Mateel and Raggae drama going on lately. My understanding is that the folks now in charge of Raggae on the River (the name, or property... not sure) have outsourced it to some bay area fair management. Thus somehow removing it from its historical purpose... the main fund raiser for the Mateel Community Center.

I'm sure I'm missing many details. But whatever, the result is this email I got the other day from one of the Mateel organizers:

Dear vendor.

I hope your new year is going well.

Due to financial problems in regards to shortfalls in expected income form Reggae on the River, the mateel community center has been closed since December 14th, just after our last event of the year the Winter Arts Fair.

You may have participated in our Summer Arts and Music Festival, our Winter Arts Fair, or one of our other two outdoor festivals in 2006. Unfortunately all of our events for 2007 are now on hold. In order for these great festivals to happen, we have to start working on them in February by the latest.

But there is hope. We are going to do the only thing we can do, put on a fundraiser. We are calling it “Mateel Forever”. We are asking all who have enjoyed and who want to continue enjoying the wonderful Mateel gatherings to give their support.

On Saturday, January 27th the Mateel Community Center will open its doors again for this all important cause.

Mateel Forever is an all day event that will include live music, dance and theater, a gourmet dinner and a bar with beer and wine. There will also be a silent auction which we are currently accepting donations for. If you would like to support the Mateel Community Center please come and join the fun on the 27th of January 2007!

If you would like to donate an item to our silent auction please send to:

Mateel Community Center
P.O. Box 1910
Redway CA 95560.

Or drop by the Mateel Community Center office at 59 Rusk Lane in Redway. Please include an approximate value of the item donated so that we can determine a stating bid point. Lower value donations can also be used in our Mateel Forever benefit raffle to be held at this event.

For more information call 923-3368 or send an email to

Thank you,

Ashley Wilma
Vendor coordinator

I don't know about you, but I plan on donating something nice. A bunch of stuff. I love vending at their festivals. I like what they're about. And I guess I'm gonna go read more about what's been happening down there.


  1. Hey, is this the festival that takes place in the summer time down along the highway around Richardson Grove or where ever it is?

  2. There's a little more to it than that Mermaid. Actually, there's a lot more to it. It's a long sad story. We're all hoping for a happy ending.

    It's a roaring debate on my blog and on the forum at the Reggae on the River site.

  3. Yeah, Unc, that's right.

    Yes, Eric, I figure as much. I have only been half listening to what's been happening. I'll definitely educate myself further on the subject... seems messy and involved.

    Thanks for the info on where I can read about it further.


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