
Showing posts from June, 2021

2021 Veggie Zone Garden Tour

2021 Veggie Zone Garden Tour    Heeey! Veggie season is here and we are going nuts with our Veggie Zone expansion. It is so awesome we almost can't stand it. I'm working on a building video before and after the construction. For now I'm just doing a current tour of how it is rolling in mid June. Things are just starting to pop, my husband is very impatient, but in our mild coastal climate it is just starting to warm up.   So a reminder that we are total gardening newbs. We said that when we found our dream property, we would start growing veggies and learning to can and preserve them. And get cats. And chickens. We moved here just over 4 yrs ago, and we've done everything but the chickens so far. At our old house we did zero gardening. I had like 3 houseplants I got as a gift, and hubs would mow the lawn and sometimes butcher innocent shrubs nearly to death. We started out here knowing almost nothing. Just google and youtube and two people in love. haha.   ...